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Следующая песня

Avez-vous vu un barbu sans barbe
Avez-vous vu un poilu sans poils
Car ce barbu m'a laissé sa barbe
Oui ce poilu m'a laissé ses poils

Poils de chameau faux que je précise
Car ce salaud m'a piqué Lise
Quand on l'a vue penaud crotté
Ma femme et moi eurent pitié
L'avons lavé et bien rasé
Il était bien beau il a remercié

Comme trois amis on s'est mis à table
Repas sans fin il avait faim à pauvre diable
Il a raconté qu'il a tout raté
C'était touchant de le voir pleurer
L'avons bien plein réconforté
L'avons mit couché et bien bordé

Le lendemain manquait ma valise
Mon costume neuf ma plus belle chemise
Pas étonnant que mes effets lui aillent
Car le coquin était de ma taille

Mais près de moi y'avait plus ma Lise
Elle a pas voulu lâcher la valise
Quelle infamie, c'est renversant
La pauvre fille m'appelle sûrement

Il est parti ma valise à la main
Mais ce qui est pis ma Lise à l'autre main
L'avez-vous vu ma valise à la main
L'avez-vous vu ma Lise à l'autre main

Avez-vous vu un barbu sans barbe
Avez-vous vu un poilu sans poils
Car ce barbu m'a laissé sa barbe
Oui ce poilu m'a laissé ses poils

(вариант на английском языке)

One sunny day I was in my garden
When a known tramp with a beard came by
He said to me "Mister, beg your pardon,
If I don't eat, I will surely die"

What could I do, what could I do
I took him inside the house to feed him
He met my wife
She gave him a towel, razor and soap
She gave him new hope
When he had fed
Sadly she said
"He looks so tired, let's give him a bed"

When he had shaved, washed and rested
To my surprise he looked twenty-four
He went to leave but my wife protested
Asked him to stay just a little more

She was so kind
I didn't mind
Now I look back
I've must have been blind

Came the next day when the cuckoo was crowing
Got up to dress but my clothes were gone
Gone was my watch and my cash and cufflinks
Gone my valise with initials on

Each of my rooms told to same old story
He was a thief, what was I to do
Oh, what a life, oh, what a life
Gone was the beard gone was my wife

She was hanging on to my valise it appears
But she's been gone for two and half years
Men like a sheep should be regularly shield
Don't trust a man who's wearing a beard

Oh, what a tragically story this is
One day a man with a beard came by
Took all my cash and my misses
What should I do, should I laugh or cry
Cry, cry, cry

Salvatore Adamo. Tramp With a beard (Le barbu sans barbe)
Salvatore Adamo. LE BARBU SANS BARBE (1963 - B-1965)

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