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                   THINK IT OVER

If you want to find someone to show around
Some little puppy eating sugar in your hand
If need someone just to clean your shoes
Someone bowing at your feet, I ain't your man

You should think it over
Must we play
You should think it over
Just once if you can

I'm a singing clown but you knock me down
When you ask me to move you with my love song
When you're in my arms, forget my guitar
You ain't kissing a star, must know girl, I am a man

You should think it over
Must we play
You should think it over
Just once if you can

Turn the radio off, come closer to me
OK girl, that was me singing that beautiful song
Yes, maybe one day I'll be a superstar
But right now I want to win your heart

You should think it over
Must we play
You should think it over
Just once if you can
Текст песни найден на этом сайте.
Salvatore Adamo. Think it over (1972)
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